
In this page you will find interesting pages concerning Despina Vandi by other fans too.
I 'd like to declarate that this page is dedicated to Despina Vandi , who I appreciate and admire very much. I wanted all her funs to be informed for everything as information, photos, Her successful carier and much more. Furthermore, I 'd like to say that this page is non profit and consequently it has not been created for advertisment and it doesn't break the rights of MINOS-EMI. Its purpose is to offer entertainment to its fans. I wanna thank the sources which offered me this material. First of all, photos are taken from several magazines and Music Televisions (shots). Then, Video Clips are taken from video cassettes I had already written from music channels. Finally information, music taken from Cds, cassettes, magazines, interviews etc. So, I 'd like to thank all these who helped me -especially Stelios who gave me small pictures- create this page in which I add always whatever concerns Despina. Vandi.

Thank you,

https://members.tripod.com/~despina_vandi/index.htm (Unofficial Site, including photos, music, chat and... FAN CLUB. It's the best!!)